Guglielmo Marconi University celebrates Twenty Years of Excellence

Guglielmo Marconi University celebrates twenty years of academic excellence, innovation and research.

Founded in 2004, it initiated an era of democratizing knowledge, providing access to high-quality university education to thousands of individuals, regardless of age, geographical location or professional commitments.

This educational model has significantly contributed to enhancing the cultural and skills heritage, serving as a social service to the country’s system with affordable tuition and modern study aids.

To celebrate this important milestone, the University organised a conference titled “Unimarconi, twenty years of history in Italian e-learning. Yesterday, today, tomorrow”, held in the university’s Aula Magna. The ceremony featured prominent figures from the academic and institutional world, as well as speakers from international online universities.

UniMarconi’s President, Alessio Acomanni, inaugurated the event with a significant speech:

“Twenty years ago, we revolutionised Italian academic education, making it relevant without ever compromising our principles of quality and seriousness. Today we look to the future with the determination to start a third revolution for our University, directing our educational model towards the global market and promoting social inclusion. I am confident that together, with the strength of our history, our enthusiasm and our skills, and with the collaboration of the Institutions, we can continue to grow UniMarconi, which, let us remember once again, has been Italy’s first digital university since 2004.”

The President of the Chamber of Deputies, Lorenzo Fontana, praised the innovation and constant growth of Guglielmo Marconi University through a video message, expressing his appreciation for the significant achievement.

Alessandra Gallone, Delegate Counselor of the Ministry of Universities and Research, emphasised the importance of UniMarconi in the Italian educational system: “Marconi University has demonstrated an excellent reputation. I wish this University many more years of success and innovation.”

Round Table Discussion

The focus of the event was the round table ‘Innovative Educational Methodologies and Technologies: State of the Art and Perspectives’ moderated by Nicola Porro, Deputy Editor of Il Giornale and host of Quarta Repubblica.

  • Marco Abate, Rector of UniMarconi, highlighted the importance of interactive learning and new technologies to improve the quality of education: “One of our main challenges is to create a learning environment as interactive as possible, where students can be the protagonists.”
  • Attilio Parisi, Rector of the Foro Italico University, recalled how the adoption of digital technologies was unthinkable for traditional universities twenty years ago but proved essential during the pandemic.
  • Paolo Vincenzo Pedone, President of CUN, highlighted the importance of rules to ensure quality in universities, explaining how they have improved the student-faculty relationship.
  • Antonio Felice Uricchio, President of ANVUR, stressed the importance of international evaluation rules to maintain high quality standards.


During the event, three lecturers were awarded for their contributions to the university: Prof. Luca Alfieri for Research, Prof. Enrico Bocci for Third Mission and Prof. Stefania Lirer for Teaching Innovation.


President Alessio Acomanni expressed heartfelt thanks to all those who have contributed to achieving this important milestone: “I would like to thank our professors, administrative and technical staff, and all students, past and present, whose commitment and dedication have made these twenty successful years possible. Your contribution has been essential in building the excellence and innovation that characterise our University.