

Active Orientation in the School-to-University Transition

As part of the Active Orientation Project in the School-to-University Transition, the first orientation meeting was held at the Aula Magna of Unimarconi, with fifth-year students from Bianchini School in Terracina and Mattei Fortunato School in Eboli. This event marked the beginning of a series of three meetings aimed at guiding high school students towards an informed choice of their

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Unimarconi Joins the PA 110 e Lode project

Guglielmo Marconi University has joined the PA 110 e Lode project, an initiative aimed at expanding the knowledge and skills of public administration staff. The educational offer includes both bachelor’s and master’s degree courses, realised in collaboration with the 24ORE Business School. This collaboration provides financial benefits for all PA employees who wish to enrol in a bachelor’s or master’s

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Prof. Romeo Giuliano, Keynote Speaker at the ICDCOT – 2024 conference in India.

Prof. Romeo Giuliano was invited as Keynote Speaker at the 2nd International Conference on Distributed Computing and Optimisation Techniques (ICDCOT – 2024), held in India from March 15 to 16, 2024. His talk entitled ‘New Smart Things and Services on the 3GPP path towards 6G: Everything connected’, took place on March 16, 2024.


Seminars Series”Conflict and Parental Deficiency: The protection of minors.”

The seminars are the result of a collaboration between the Department of Legal and Political Sciences of Guglielmo Marconi University and the Department of Law Salvatore Pugliatti of the University of Messina. They are part of Research Project “Conflicts and Parental Deficiency: the protection of minors”, coordinated by Prof. Angela La Spina, Prof. Riccardo Restuccia and Prof. Marzia Rossi, and

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Unimarconi launches its new publishing house

We are pleased to announce the launch of Unimarconi EdiPress, the new publishing house of Guglielmo Marconi University. Unimarconi EdiPress is dedicated to promoting scientific and academic culture by providing a publishing platform for journals and departmental series, educational texts, monographs, conference proceedings, and a wide range of scientific publications, both internal and external to the University. With Unimarconi EdiPress,

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New Generative Artificial Intelligence Observatory

Unimarconi announces the launch of its new Generative Artificial Intelligence Observatory, known as the ‘Generative Artificial Intelligence – Learning and Innovation Hub’. As a pioneer in the digitalization of higher education in Italy, our University also aims to be a leader in the field of AI, and this initiative marks a fundamental step in that direction. The Observatory aspires to

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Call for papers – “EF Profession. Educators, Teachers and Trainers. Journal of social-emotional competences in educational processes”

EF Profession. Educators, Teachers and Trainers. Journal on the Socio-Emotional Competence Portfolio in Educational Processes” is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed scientific journal established in December 2023. The journal publishes original articles in Italian, English, French, German and Spanish, welcoming new research and study contributions. It plays a crucial role in disseminating knowledge, offering new research perspectives in the field of

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Active Career Hub by Randstad

A new service from the Unimarconi Career Service to guide you in your career path. Book a meeting now, either in person or online, with Randstad experts. For more information, click here.


Workshop on ‘Earthquake-induced soil liquefaction

Thursday, January 25 – Friday, January 26, 2024 – Aula Magna University of Naples Federico II, P.le Tecchio 80 (Naples) Organising Committee: Stefania Lirer, Alessandro Flora, Francesco Silvestri The Naples workshop provided an open and informal forum for Italian researchers focused on the subject, addressing three key engineering aspects: PREDICTION of liquefaction onset, estimation of EFFECTS on built environments, and

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Unimarconi partners with April Academy to deliver training courses

April Academy is a legal training school offering a wide range of professional training courses and university refresher courses. The academy guarantees top-tier preparation to the highest standards and in line with market requirements, thanks to a unique teaching staff composed of university professors, magistrates and consultants with direct industry experience and a practical approach. Courses are delivered both in

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