Active Orientation in the School-to-University Transition

As part of the Active Orientation Project in the School-to-University Transition, the first orientation meeting was held at the Aula Magna of Unimarconi, with fifth-year students from Bianchini School in Terracina and Mattei Fortunato School in Eboli. This event marked the beginning of a series of three meetings aimed at guiding high school students towards an informed choice of their university career.

A panel of experts and lecturers addressed current topics of relevant interest for the academic and professional future of students, focusing on emerging skills such as artificial intelligence and soft skills. Speakers outlined the landscape of in-demand disciplines and related job opportunities. Thanks to the participation of HR professionals from leading companies and the input of recent graduates, students received practical and realistic advice.

We extend our gratitude to the students and teachers for their enthusiasm and active participation, which contributed to making this meeting a great success.