The Bachelor Degree (B.D.) in Psychological Science and Techniques is designed to provide students with a comprehensive foundation of psychology.
The Bachelor’s Degree Program in Psychological Sciences and Techniques aligns with and incorporates all the qualifying educational objectives of its degree class, adhering to all its requirements. The program is designed to train graduates who:
- Upon obtaining professional qualification and registration in Section B of the Psychologists’ Register, can assume the title of Doctor in Psychological Techniques. In collaboration with and under the supervision of a Psychologist (registered in Section A), they will be capable of developing and applying the principles, knowledge, models, and methods acquired in the various fields of psychology. These applications will be based on solid ethical, scientific, and professional foundations, aiming to promote the development, well-being, and effectiveness of individuals, groups, organizations, and society. Additionally, they will be able to contribute to the design and implementation of interventions aimed at activating personal, family, and educational or organizational resources, enhancing protective factors, and promoting individual and collective well-being.
- After acquiring a solid foundational education in the various fields of psychological disciplines, are able to navigate their further educational path at the second level. This is particularly relevant to the Master’s Degree in Psychology qualifying for the profession of Psychologist, as outlined in the LM-51 degree class regulations under DI 654/2022. Graduates will deepen their knowledge in specific core areas of psychological disciplines and in specific fields of professional application.
Duration: 3 years
Credits: 180 ECTS (European Credits Transfer and Accumulation System)
Career Opportunities
Graduates of this degree program, under the supervision of a licensed psychologist (holding a Master’s Degree in Psychology, qualified for the profession, and registered with the Professional Order), will be equipped to work in various areas, including services for individuals, groups, organizations, and communities. They will also engage in activities that promote both individual and collective well-being. These activities include psychometric assessment, psychosocial interventions, developmental support, and human resource management across different life stages.
The practice of this profession is regulated by state laws.
As stipulated by Law No. 170 of July 11, 2003, a graduate in Psychological Sciences and Techniques may work in the following sectors:
Sector of Psychological Techniques for Social, Organizational, and Work Contexts
Functions in this sector may involve the development and implementation of training projects and the application of protocols and knowledge in the following areas:
- Career guidance.
- Promotion of individual growth potential and social integration.
- Facilitation of communication and stress management to improve quality of life, including in specific activity contexts.
- Technology design.
- Risk prevention and safety training.
- Educational activities related to the sector’s specific competencies.
Sector of Psychological Techniques for Services to Individuals and Communities
Functions in this sector may include collaboration with psychologists, participation in multidisciplinary teams, and implementation of interventions in the following areas:
- Management of disabilities and pathologies through assessments of disabilities, resources, needs, and expectations of individuals, as well as environmental resources and demands. This includes rehabilitation, functional re-education, social integration, and the development of support and assistance networks.
- Support for parental relationships and family caregiving.
- Promotion of individual and collective well-being and social participation, as well as education to reduce risky behaviours.
- Educational activities related to the sector’s specific competencies.
Professional Opportunities
Graduates of this programme can pursue professional roles in public and private organizations, educational institutions, and enterprises or third-sector organizations. Under the supervision of a Psychologist (i.e., a graduate with a second-cycle degree), they can contribute to services aimed at supporting individuals, groups, organizations, and communities, with a focus on promoting health and well-being. These roles are connected to areas such as psychometric assessment, psychosocial support, and human resource development throughout the life span.
This programme provides a strong foundation in psychological knowledge for foreign students and Italian students who wish to enter the international professional labor market.
Internship (TPV)
Normative references
Entry requirements
The requirement for access to the traineeship, regarding the duration, must be fulfilled at the start of the traineeship, not at the time of application.
Duration and articulation
The traineeship must be continuous with a weekly frequency of approximately 15 to 30 hours, with a maximum of eight hours per day, distributed in agreement with the host organisation on days between Monday and Saturday.
Taking these recommendations into account, frequency must not exceed
40 hours per week.
Upon completion of the required the hours, the traineeship can be completed by submitting the final documentation to the Traineeships Office. Absence hours are not foreseen.
The traineeship cannot be carried out remotely.
Host organisations
The applicant may autonomously identify a suitable entity, which can be a public or private facility (the latter with a statute of at least three years) where psychological activities are carried out. The entity must ensure the presence of one or more psychologists, duly registered in Register A for at least three years, employed or with a systematic professional relationship, who will supervise the traineeship for the hours declared by the trainee in the training project.
Please note: It is not possible to carry out the traineeship in the office of a single freelance psychologist.
Request for new accreditation
For public bodies:
- Name of applicant (trainee)
- Name of host institution
- Reference mail to which to send the agreement request
For private entities:
- Name of applicant (trainee)
- Name of host institution
- Articles of association, memorandum of association or other document showing the creation of the host entity (which must be at least three years old)
- Description of the psychological activities carried out by the organisation and the number of psychologists on the premises whose registration in Register A is at least three years old
- Entity website
- Reference mail to which to send the agreement request
- If the institution is not Italian, it must necessarily have the adaptation to EUROPSY and the host institution must provide the CVs of the psychologists present
The contracting of a new institution can take a very long time, so it is advisable to submit your request well in advance.
In particular, the TPV provides for:
(a) activities focusing on methods, tools and procedures in applied psychology contexts, carried out individually or in small groups
(b) practical experience, workshops, simulations, role playing, drafting of projects, carried out individually or in small groups, concerning tools, methods and procedures to develop necessary skills to work in psychology related fields.
Even if there is no longer a distinction of subjects, it is preferable that at least two of the characteristic aspects of the psychologist’s profession are dealt with in the TPV course.
TPV activation request
Scheduled dates for TPV Activation:
- Start of apprenticeship: 15 January; 15 May; 15 September
- Start of application: 1 October; 1 February; 1 June
- End of application: 30 November; 31 March; 15 July
Applications that are incomplete or received after the deadline will not be accepted.
Applicants who did not meet the annuality requirement at the time of application may still submit their documents, provided that they meet the requirement by the start date of the placement.
Below is the required documentation, to be prepared with the institution and the supervising tutor, to activate the placement:
All documents, in PDF format, must be submitted via email to, in three separate files:
1st file – Application for traineeship + trainee name
2nd file – Training Project TPV + trainee name
3rd file – Authorisation of institution + trainee name
The application must also include the receipt of payment of the placement activation fee, calculated as follows:
The activation fee for the TPV, which is carried out during the CDLs, has a more favourable status by virtue of the absorption of management costs within the tuition fees, and must be paid according to the following schedule:
The payment can be made as requested on the Tuition Fees page, stating ‘TPV + trainee name’ in the reason for payment.
TPV cost
Closure of the Internship
competencies relating to “knowing how to do and how to be a psychologist”. The tutor issues a formal certificate of attendance, along with an assessment of the skills displayed. The TPV is passed based on the suitability assessment.
You are also required to submit a short (3/5 pages) activity report signed by the supervising tutor.
Booklet, including evaluation and final report, can be sent in pdf format, one file for each document to the